High School Immersion
for Educators
Have you ever wondered what Charlotte Mason methods in the Upper Years look like? Do you have a high schooler and want encouragement and insight into making these final years with your student rich, meaningful and preparatory? This additional session to the Living Streams Retreat is for you.
High school is a time of deepening and a continuation of the principles and practices of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy. Come and join other educators this experience - a day immersed in Charlotte Mason methods as a student in Nancy Kelly’s high school.
Lessons for older students that will be demonstrated may include science, citizenship, Bible, composition, geography, picture study, literature, history, math, and other subjects. Attendees experience being the student, practicing different forms of narration and sampling the banquet of ideas which brings a fuller understanding of the method.

Check-in at 8:30 a.m. in Hadley Hall
High School Immersion
9 a.m. - Noon
Lunch included
Q&A Session 1 - 3 p.m
Nancy has graduated six of her own children using Mason’s methods and teaches many others in her CM Community – TBG Teens (The Hive).
Register for the High School Immersion when you register for the main, Living Streams Education Retreat. High School Immersion can not be attended separately.